Sunday, February 2, 2014

*Super Sunday!*

It's a great day friends! Lots of exciting things happening today, plus, here in frigid cold Iowa, the SUN is shining, and that right there makes for a good day in itself!
Super Sunday-what does that mean? Well the Super Bowl is today, the biggest sporting event in all of sports will be held today! I know I will be watching, will you?! It is also, February, 2nd! And if you are considering this It Works! business, TODAY, is the perfect day to join! Why today, you may ask?
Right now, It Works! Global is offering new Distributors a chance at winning the G.O.O.D Bonus. Get Out Of Debt Bonus! That is a chance at winning $10,000- + more!
Looking at this picture ^ you will see there are bonus levels up to $75,000-. This means YOU COULD earn! YES, you sure could! But if you join TODAY you not only have 3 full calendar months to earn a Bonus. Since this is a short month, you essentially have 4 FULL calendar months to earn a Bonus! Who couldn't use an extra $10-$75,000-?! This is very obtainable friends, it is VERY possible and it is at the tip of your fingertips if you join today! I will help you do this friend!
Maybe you haven't tried product yet so you're just not too sure about jumping in when you haven't even tried product? That is ok! Because that is how I did it, I saw the opportunity, had never even tried product, but I had seen the amazing results other people were having so I jumped right in! I wanted those results too, and I wanted to be able to share these amazing products with others! And I had no doubt that I would LOVE the product, and just as I had imagined, these products have changed my and my family's life! I am more than willing to help you in any way you wish, take the first step and join my team today! One Team, One Vision.....and TONS of Opportunity!
If you are like me, I will be joining lots of other people today in snacking the day away ;-) You know what will help absorb some of those calories and help you to keep feeling good too?! Fat Fighters!!!

This is one of my favorite products! I have changed my eating habits but on a day like Super Bowl Sunday it is a big treat to indulge in yummy snacks and there is no doubt I will have my Fat Fighters in my other hand ready to take after snacking! ........and yep I said after snacking. No worries about taking these so many minutes before a meal etc, you take them AFTER you indulge, even up to an hour after is totally fine! Fat Fighters to the rescue today!!
One more little tidbit I will leave you with for the day.....have you ever wanted something SO bad but just never have known how to get it?! Or have you ever wrote down a goal but then given up because you have thought that maybe it was too far out of reach? Friends, no goal is ever too far out of reach. You've got to work to get there friends. Not too many things happen over night. Remember that even the most successful people, even the most talented athletes, don't get to the top over night. It takes work, and you won't ever know your coulda, woulda, shoulda if you don't ever try. Don't live with Regret.
Enjoy *Super Sunday* and if you're in Iowa, we haven't seen too much of this, so enjoy that sunshine too :-)

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