Sunday, May 11, 2014

Giving Back...this is SO Special!!! {In Honor of Mother's Day}

One of my biggest reasons for loving It Works! Global as much as I do, is because every single person that I meet within this company, in some way or another, truly goes by the company's philosophy in their daily life, to Give Back. I have wanted to Give more, at this point in my life, than I ever have. I can't explain this new feeling of mine, other than its really, REALLY amazing!

I went to my first OTOM last Wednesday in Cedar Rapids. CNO Pam Sowder was coming and this was a BIG event! Pam is the founder of It Works! Global and for her to come to little ole' CR, IA because she knows we are doing BIG things, here, was so very special. This was Big in many ways and I was just so excited to meet her, hear her speak and to learn more about my new passion, helping people find themselves again, feel good and bring health and wellness back into their life.

It Works! main product, that no other company offers is the Ultimate Body Applicator! This is what it is, and this is what it does!

So at the Registration table they had where you could enter the 'Wrap Raffle'. Well of course I was going to enter, all I had to do was put a wrap of mine, in the basket with my name on it in black marker, and later on they would draw names for you to be able to win (x) amount of wraps! Well this was amazing and I just had this feeling that this could be REALLY cool! Well winner #1 was.....yours truly, ME! I was thrilled! 10 FREE wraps were coming my way! YAHOO!!!!
That night I left OTOM inspired, motivated, wanting to give, wanting to do more, wanting and willing and ready to literally move mountains! These people are A-MAZING! This company is even MORE A-MAZING and so many lives are changing and about to be changed!
So I couldn't sleep all night. My mind was racing and I couldn't stop thinking about WHAT I was going to do with these wraps! I could sell them and make some $, yea at $25-30 per wrap that was a big chunk of change, but nah, I wanted to use them! But I also knew deep inside I needed to do something better than that, I needed to Give Back some how with these wraps. The next morning I woke up, inspired even more and the light bulb went on, give back each time I wrap, is EXACTLY what I will do!
So I decided that each time I use one of these 10 wraps, on myself, I will give back in some way, I will pay it forward in honor of the person's name that is on the front of the wrap. The person that took the chance and put their wrap in the raffle, hoping to win more, I would use that person as my inspiration for Giving Back and paying it forward. I am SO excited about this that my mind is already thinking about what I can do 10 times over again!!!
Well Friday came and that was my first wrap day, so it was time to pay it forward in honor of fellow Distributor Makenzie O, it was her wrap I was using first! I stopped for gas that morning and looked down the long line of cars with people, all filling their tank. Well I know most people pay at the pump, but this morning the lucky person was one who didn't pay at the pump that morning. I went inside and asked the cashier if there was anyone pumping gas who hadn't prepaid at the pump, he pointed at 2 cars. One was right next to me, a Mom with 3 little ones in the back of her car, yep she was my first inspiration. I proudly handed a $10- bill to the cashier and asked him to apply that toward the mom's gas bill. He smiled, looked at me like I was a little crazy but gladly did, just that. I hopped in my car, gave the Mom a glance fully knowing that what I just did, she wasn't yet aware of and I drove off. Wrap Day 1 = BIG success!!!

For Wrap Day 2, in honor of Amy Anderson's wrap, which I knew was going to be Monday, I kept thinking that it had to be REALLY special. After all it was Mothers Day weekend and I know there are lots of Mom's out there that are under appreciated and I really wanted a Mom out there to feel so special! So I sent a message to a family member who works in the NICU of a local hospital. I knew that I wanted a special Mommy with a baby in the NICU to be surprised with flowers from me, anonymously, to put a smile on her face. To help her to know that as scary as life is with a preemie baby behind those closed doors of that secret society of the NICU, that there is another Mommy out there, who has been thru, and in that secret society not once, but twice, for a total of 7.5 months combined, pulling for her. And then my mind went even further, that since I had 2 babies in the NICU, why not send flowers to, 2, deserving Mommy's in honor of my 2 babies, that once fought for their life at that very place. This Wrap Day 2, pay it forward felt really, REALLY special! I hope that I helped not one, but TWO new Mommy's, to find a smile today ;-)

I got a message about 1pm this afternoon, that 2 very special Mom's had been handed flowers from me, anonymously, but on this special day, they are honored. One Mom was hand picked by my nurse family member. The other Mommy at my request, was a mommy who just delivered her baby today. My heart is just overflowing with love right now. That I was able to hopefully touch the heart of someone that I don't know and that doesn't know me, it is the thought that someone out there that is thinking of them during this time in their life that truly matters. Thank you It Works! Global for allowing, inspiring and motivating me to Give Back, and to try and touch the lives of others when they really need it most. And to my family member that helped me carry out this way of giving today, thank YOU honey, you know who you are ;-)
In life there are far too many times that people get caught up in their own life that they don't take the time to sit back and realize truly, how great life is. WE have the option to control our own destiny, if we don't like the path our life is on, WE can change that! Now I know that a lot of times that isn't easy, and frankly it's quite scary. But living life with Regret, of knowing you need to make a change but don't know how to do it, or what the 'other side' of that change will look like is scary too. But if you don't take a chance, than that regret could harm you even further.
So I have made the decision and I have made a really positive change in my life. I feel like a brand new person and the feeling is pretty darn incredible. I am now able to help in more ways than I ever have and it feels really, REALLY good! We have had lots of amazing people help us in our life in lots of ways, so to be able to help others now in ways that I've been dreaming of for a long time, that feeling makes my heart just about over flow with joy. I am really excited that I have 8 more wraps to use and to pay it forward with! You bet I will be updating you soon, on how that will be done!

Enjoy today, take a deep breath and take a few minutes to thank the good lord above for this day. Remember that know one is guaranteed a tomorrow friends. And for all of you special ladies out there Happy Mother's Day. I hope you felt the love today. And if you didn't feel appreciated today because of some circumstance, here is me saying to you, I appreciate you!! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

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