Have you ever considered juicing? Have you ever thought that maybe your body needed a cleanse? Well, here is what I have been doing for the past 3 days, it's called a Greens Reboot! Here is the 'recipe' that I have followed:
I really wondered what my body would do without eating except for 1 very light meal a day for 3 days. Would I feel light headed? Would I have enough energy to get thru the work day and not crash when I got home? Why in the world was I wondering so much, I am serious when I say this, I feel SO good! I felt really good before taking Greens and my other supplements daily but after doing this I feel extra good. I feel even healthier, my energy level is at peak and I had great results with my body. In the middle of day #2 I was down 2.6 pounds! I didn't do this only to see if I would have some weight loss, but I also wanted to jump start my body. I've been on Greens for months now so I wasn't too sure I had many toxins in my body, but doing this one time per month will not hurt anything.
I didn't really have any cravings before I did the reboot, but usually by dinner time I would be hungry for a meal. In doing the Reboot, I wasn't even hungry for dinner and that is after not eating all day long as part of the Reboot. The first night I was a little hungry but found I could only eat about half of my chicken breast. Amazing! I may continue on to do this for 2 more days, so 5 days total, or I may do this again in a few weeks. One thing for sure I will be doing the Reboot from now on, at least one time per month.
Interested in a Reboot? This is the healthy way to cleanse. There is nothing harmful in these products, again they are ALL Natural! What a better way to get your body going, feeling good, get a jump on your metabolism and get ready for summer time, Greens Reboot is the key!
As a Loyal Customer, the price of ordering all of the supplements if you don't have them on hand at home already is, $154.00. That is so reasonable especially considering how MUCH nutrients you are getting from this reboot and that is no food involved. Plus if you were to go shopping at the store to consume the amount of nutrients in these products you would spend 2x that amount at least AND you won't use the entire quantity of these products over the 3,5 days, you will have some left over to continue taking them each day for the remainder of the month! Pretty reasonable way to detox, get feeling GOOD and jump start your body and your metabolism!
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