Sunday, February 16, 2014

What Inspires You?

It's Sunday, tomorrow is the beginning of a brand new week! For me Sunday is the perfect day to unwind and reflect. What happened last week, was I ok with the way that I was living each day? You know the only one in charge of your day, your week, your today and your future is YOU.
Inspiration could be a variety of things. Maybe your inspiration has changed, the further towards your goals you get. My inspiration changed when I graduated college, when I got married and when I became a Mom. I have quite a few things that inspire me to be who I want to be. I have different inspirations for the career woman I am. I have different inspirations for the wife I am and want to be. I have different inspirations for the Mom I want to be, and the Mom I want my children to remember me as. There is one thing that is super duper important to me, and no matter how tough life gets, I think of this and it undoubtedly keeps me focused and moving forward, my children.
You see I am on the journey in this life to be a protector to my children and as I am sure many other parents feel the same. I need to make sure my children know love, God, goals, hard work and reality. I surround myself with people who have similar inspirations and goals in their life too. I have found a wonderful team of people that want the same thing that I do, I want to own my own time. I NEED to own my own time. I will WORK hard until I get there, and even whatever that 'there' looks like, I will not stop.
 See life is a challenge, it's the hand we've been dealt. I don't know it any different and there is no looking back, I WILL continue to move forward being the very best Mom that I can be each and every day. When you become a Mom, there are little words that can prepare you for the 'job' that lays ahead. When you are the Mom of a preemie, there are even less words that can prepare you for the roller coaster ride you are on. When you are the Mom of a child with Special Needs there are no words that can prepare you for the future. So each night I pray that our future is the very best it can be. I need to own my own time for my children, for my family. I WILL provide every single benefit for my daughter that I can, whether it is now or one year from now, I WILL give her what she needs. She needs so much to help her be her very best. She WANTS more and I will help her get there.
 My biggest inspiration in my life is my children, I refuse to let them down. There is no reason that someone so little and so young should go thru more challenges in their young lives than some go thru in their whole entire life. But it happens, and it is happening, and my inspiration is continuing to help put a smile on their little faces. We are on our way to becoming a healthier family, we are on our way to helping YOU do the same for yourself and/or YOUR family, it is my destiny to not only help us but to help you too. Maybe you're not a parent, but there is something in your life that touches you so much, that you want to help, you have a goal to make something happen. You are inspired to do something and you CAN.
I challenge you to reflect today on what is your Inspiration? What keeps you keepin' on when things get tough? What keeps that smile coming back on your face, pushing you thru the hardest of days? Maybe you're looking for that Inspiration? If you're looking to own your own time, if you're looking for a healthier you, if you're looking to be a member of the most amazing team of professionals out there, ask me. If you're curious as to what I am even talking about, I will be glad to share a few minutes with you.
{It doesn't matter how you get to your goal,
it only matters the impact you make on the lives around you on you're way there.}


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