Wednesday, March 26, 2014

WHY is this for me?

You have seen my posts, you may have heard me talk about It Works! and this new journey my family and I are on, but maybe you are wondering Why? I don't really need to explain why I want a healthier lifestyle for my family and I, but I am going to share why we needed this in our life more than we even knew.
July 2013 I contacted a friend out of the blue after I had seen her posts, seen her brochures, and I had read a little bit about that Crazy Wrap Thing. I had seen the words 'All Natural' and those words kept coming back to me over and over and over. I knew we needed a healthier lifestyle, I knew it was over due. So I signed up. I didn't tell anyone, not even my husband! I spent $99- and I justified it to myself as, hey I spend at least that each week at Target so why not on this, and I didn't want to do anything but try the products but I jumped all in as a Distributor, after all it was only $40- more!

My products came and I snuck into the bathroom one night and did my first wrap while my husband was asleep, I slept with it on and then took it off a few hours later when he was still asleep. I didn't want anyone to know what I was up to. I know dumb, right! The second wrap I decided that I kinda wanted his help taking pictures so I caved and told him what I had done. He didn't say much, just kind of smiled because he knows I am totally spontaneous and asked what he could help with. I did a box of 4 wraps and had awesome results! Perfect, I had a vacation coming up and I was SO happy with the new me! Well vaca came and went, life got even crazier and I got lazy and didn't wrap again for a few months. My bottle of Greens I got, I actually gave to my Mom. She is fighting Stage IV cancer and I knew she needed them, bad. She started on them right away!
December came, my daughter had a sudden hip surgery and I got sick. Really sick. I had walking pneumonia and was on the verge of being hospitalized, my daughter had hip surgery and was in a cast from the waist down for 4 weeks, my son had surgery on his ears and adenoids and I was barely getting thru the day not to mention the extra chaos in my life. Something had to change. I kept saying I would order product I would order product, but now I knew, I HAD to order product. I was officially sick and tired of being literally, SICK and flat out exhausted.
I ordered product again and haven't looked back since. My husband has seen the change in me and how I'm feeling and he has jumped on board also. He is fully supportive of me, now, plus he is a total believer in the product. Our children are on product and we are a family now that is living a much healthier lifestyle than we ever have. I cannot express enough to you how good that feels to ME!
You see 2013 was a cruddy year for our family. Our 5 year old daughter had 5, yes 5 serious Brain surgeries. We spent more time in the hospital, 45 minutes from our house, than we did at home! Our son was a trooper and he was getting by as we took him here, there and everywhere as the chaos in our life continued. But where does that come into all of this?
Our children are miracles, we are so blessed to have them and not only do we thank God every day to have them here with us, we know how precious life is, we have a son in heaven too. He would be 9 at the end of this month. Our children were born far, far too soon, and weighed 1 lb 5 ounces and 1 lb 9 ounces at birth. They were born at 23 and 24 weeks gestation. Our son is 7 and you would never know from the outside he was born so early, so sick and spent 4.5 months in the NICU. Our daughter on the other hand had serious complications at birth and she has developmental delays and had 2 major brain hemorrhages at birth. Yes, our daughter, has special needs. So still, how does It Works! play into all of this?
We relied on so many people for a total of 7.5 months out of our life when our children were living in a hospital trying to grow, trying to breathe, trying to live. Last year during our daughter's 5 brain surgeries, as a result of her prematurity, again we had to result in the help of others. It is time for us to give back. We want to give back in a healthy way, in a good way, in a way that will help change other peoples lives too. And, I want to be back in control of our life.
We have in home nursing care for our daughter and its hard. Really hard. We have people in and out of our home daily caring for our daughter. My husband builds bridges and did you know that, that is one of the top 5 most dangerous jobs in the world? I am a working Mom as well, we are busy. Life is crazy. But I will own my own time. I will own my own time for my husband to get him home, for my children so we don't have to rely so much on the nursing care for our daughter, and in the future her needs are going to get more severe, I want to give her SO much and right now we can't. Soon, soon very very soon, we WILL.
Our children have been thru trauma and stress, and their little bodies have been thru more in their 5 and 7 years of life than many go thru in their whole lifetime. So it is EXTRA important for us to support their little bodies now with a healthy life. And that my friends, is where this journey to It Works! comes in. I get to help people, I get to help my family, I get to GIVE back, by sharing with all of you what maybe you haven't really noticed that your life is missing too.
Life is such a gift. We must take care of ourselves, we must cherish our bodies and our health right now. We must make today count, for we are not guaranteed tomorrow. My friends that is EXACTLY what I have vow'd to my family I will do. We will own our own time to cherish our family more, to help others, who have been thru life challenges like we have, and we will NEVER.STOP.

That is my journey friends. That is why I am surrounding myself with the most amazing men and women every single day. That is why I am sharing something so amazing with you! It Works! is changing lives every minute of every day.

It wasn't on the tip of my mind in July 2013 that I needed a big healthier lifestyle change, but I quickly learned that I did and I made it happen.

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