90 Day Challenge {Week 1; Day 2}
Hi everyone! I hope you've had a great Wednesday and most of all a great 2nd day on your way to a new you! For me, today is Wrap Wednesday! So I thought I'd share a few tips on how I believe I get my best wrap results, and just a few other key things to remember when wrapping!
*My most favorite Wrap Tip because it is KEY......BEFORE/AFTER Picture!
I know its kinda hard to take a picture of yourself if you're alone, BUT, try and find a way. In the mirror, use the timer on your phone/camera, the reflection in your patio door, just find a way. I suggest doing a Before Pic, An After Pic, and then a Post 72 hour Pic. And put all 3 of them side by side!
**DRINK WATER! Water consumption is oober important! And remember the Ultimate Body Applicator is NOT water loss! In fact the more water your drink, while wrapping and after, will help your results. It will help to release those toxins from those fat cells so your body can release them! The recommended water consumption is half off your body weight, in ounces, of water.
***Do not exercise while wrapping or immediately after! The best time for exercising if you wish, is before wrapping.
****It is best if you can avoid meals during wrapping. I do mine at night so this for me, isn't an issue. In fact I prefer to sleep with my wrap on :-) But timing is totally up to you! Plenty of people put their wrap on after they shower in the morning and then go about their day and take it off 45 minutes later. You choose which is best for you!
*****Measurements also are important! For myself in the beginning I preferred side by side pictures, but again, do that works best for you!
******Remember a treatment is considered 4 wraps. So consistency is key. If you want to wrap your tummy, I suggest doing all 4 wraps on your tummy at the appropriate time intervals before moving onto another body part.
*******And again, I'm going to talk about the importance of being Regular with your bm's. I know, poop again, but this is really important for overall health. So if you aren't going at least one time per day, Greens would be a great add on and/or the product Regular.
********ENJOY YOUR WRAP! These wraps are absolutely amazing! It Works! could not have blessed us with a better product that nobody else has, and you're going to absolutely LOVE the results!!!! Enjoy your Ultimate Body Applicator Experience and if you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to let me know!
{Day 2! I am proud of you for making this change in your life!!! You'll be so glad you did!} And if you're not on this challenge with us yet, there is still plenty of time! Today is a great day to start!
~Go Well! Wrapping Wednesday....my favorite day!
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