Sunday, May 18, 2014

Keep on Keepin' On!!!!

How is everyone doing?!!!! I hope you are all doing well and loving this journey finding a new you, like I am!!!! I am starting a new product speaking of, called a New You! And I wanted to highlight a little bit of what exactly this product is and what it does!

Aids in building lean muscle mass
  • Enhances exercise endurance
  • Helps improve sleep quality and memory
    New enhanced formula now includes natural polyphenols that help improve blood supply to the muscles and help to reduce the harmful effects of free radicals for better post-workout recovery.*
    I am so excited to start taking this Vitamin, beginning today! Stay tuned for an update on how much better I feel! (hard to imagine feeling even better, I feel great NOW)!
    This time of the year is a time when family lives start to get a little bit more crazy, in my house at least! Running kids, cramming in appointments, daylight lasts longer providing more time for household chores, and then at times, that means less time to fix a healthy meal. We, in our home, are really good about laying something out the night before, with thoughts as to what will be cooked the next night! We absolutely love the grill this time of the year, its quick and convenient with less mess! Also the crock pot also provides a quick fix with just a few steps taken in the morning to prep. Those of you on the 90 Day Challenge with us and even if you're not, these are still great reminders when life seem to get a little cRaZY!!! And trust me, it happens to ALL of us!! SO, remember that just because life can be a little crazy this time of the year or in the summertime in general with calendar's filling up fast, a few minutes prep the night before or morning of, will allow for more time doing what you love in the evenings and STILL having a healthy meal!
    Wrap, Wrap, Wrap it up! I am now into my Wrap #3 and 4 of Paying It Forward! Oh my gosh, this has been the most rewarding thing I have done in a long time! It sure feels REALLY awesome to be able to do this! Why I haven't thought of something to this magnitude before, who knows, but I am so glad to have started and I am not stopping! So stay tuned, to see what I have done and what I have in store for my wrap days ahead :-) I'm SO excited!!!
    I'm also really excited because this is 10 consecutive wraps that I am doing and boy am I ever seeing the results! LOVE it! SO, 5 weeks of wrapping 2 times a week, I am feeling good, I can't wait to see how much better my results will be after all 10 wraps even, eeekkk!!!! If you haven't tried a wrap, or if you're on this challenge with us but aren't wrapping regularly, I encourage you to give it a try! There sure is nothing like Tightening, Toning and Firming your skin right up! And feeling the results continue to show over the next 3 days sure is an awesome feeling as well!
    AND, this includes facial wraps also! I just saw these results a few days ago from a friends mom and WOW, seriously WOW! This is after a 45 minute facial applicator! Crazy awesome results! And what other company provides you the option to have these results, from a Facial in the comfort of your own home?! Ah, I just love it!! What an amazingly awesome transformation in just 45 minutes! If you haven't tried a Facial Applicatior yet, oh my goodness, I encourage you to give it a try! You'll love the feeling :-) Try a Facial Applicator, Click Here!!
    These results are life changing for SO many people! No matter what your reason is for putting a wrap on, and taking that first step to Tighten, Tone and Firm your skin, this is for YOU!
    You have decided to make a change for YOU! Keep that close to your heart! Post your goal whatever that may be, somewhere where you will see it daily! Keep that goal within an eye glance so even on those hard days, you see that goal and REMEMBER why it is your working so hard!
    And we are in this together! We are here for each other! We all have a WHY! One of my most favorite things about It Works! Global are the PEOPLE! Ah, friends, the people, the motivation to keep going, the inspiration to try something new....something that It Works!......something that will literally be Life Changing! You're here for a reason, remember! If you need a little motivation or inspiration today, reach out, we have a whole HUGE support system to help you in any way!
    And keep on, keepin' on! Continue to do this for you! You my friend are on your way to making over your life! Your future self will thank you, I know that for sure!
    *You can always reach out to me if you need a boost or if you have any questions as well! Go Well friends, and always remember to make Today, YOUR Day!! 

    Sunday, May 11, 2014

    Giving Back...this is SO Special!!! {In Honor of Mother's Day}

    One of my biggest reasons for loving It Works! Global as much as I do, is because every single person that I meet within this company, in some way or another, truly goes by the company's philosophy in their daily life, to Give Back. I have wanted to Give more, at this point in my life, than I ever have. I can't explain this new feeling of mine, other than its really, REALLY amazing!

    I went to my first OTOM last Wednesday in Cedar Rapids. CNO Pam Sowder was coming and this was a BIG event! Pam is the founder of It Works! Global and for her to come to little ole' CR, IA because she knows we are doing BIG things, here, was so very special. This was Big in many ways and I was just so excited to meet her, hear her speak and to learn more about my new passion, helping people find themselves again, feel good and bring health and wellness back into their life.

    It Works! main product, that no other company offers is the Ultimate Body Applicator! This is what it is, and this is what it does!

    So at the Registration table they had where you could enter the 'Wrap Raffle'. Well of course I was going to enter, all I had to do was put a wrap of mine, in the basket with my name on it in black marker, and later on they would draw names for you to be able to win (x) amount of wraps! Well this was amazing and I just had this feeling that this could be REALLY cool! Well winner #1 was.....yours truly, ME! I was thrilled! 10 FREE wraps were coming my way! YAHOO!!!!
    That night I left OTOM inspired, motivated, wanting to give, wanting to do more, wanting and willing and ready to literally move mountains! These people are A-MAZING! This company is even MORE A-MAZING and so many lives are changing and about to be changed!
    So I couldn't sleep all night. My mind was racing and I couldn't stop thinking about WHAT I was going to do with these wraps! I could sell them and make some $, yea at $25-30 per wrap that was a big chunk of change, but nah, I wanted to use them! But I also knew deep inside I needed to do something better than that, I needed to Give Back some how with these wraps. The next morning I woke up, inspired even more and the light bulb went on, give back each time I wrap, is EXACTLY what I will do!
    So I decided that each time I use one of these 10 wraps, on myself, I will give back in some way, I will pay it forward in honor of the person's name that is on the front of the wrap. The person that took the chance and put their wrap in the raffle, hoping to win more, I would use that person as my inspiration for Giving Back and paying it forward. I am SO excited about this that my mind is already thinking about what I can do 10 times over again!!!
    Well Friday came and that was my first wrap day, so it was time to pay it forward in honor of fellow Distributor Makenzie O, it was her wrap I was using first! I stopped for gas that morning and looked down the long line of cars with people, all filling their tank. Well I know most people pay at the pump, but this morning the lucky person was one who didn't pay at the pump that morning. I went inside and asked the cashier if there was anyone pumping gas who hadn't prepaid at the pump, he pointed at 2 cars. One was right next to me, a Mom with 3 little ones in the back of her car, yep she was my first inspiration. I proudly handed a $10- bill to the cashier and asked him to apply that toward the mom's gas bill. He smiled, looked at me like I was a little crazy but gladly did, just that. I hopped in my car, gave the Mom a glance fully knowing that what I just did, she wasn't yet aware of and I drove off. Wrap Day 1 = BIG success!!!

    For Wrap Day 2, in honor of Amy Anderson's wrap, which I knew was going to be Monday, I kept thinking that it had to be REALLY special. After all it was Mothers Day weekend and I know there are lots of Mom's out there that are under appreciated and I really wanted a Mom out there to feel so special! So I sent a message to a family member who works in the NICU of a local hospital. I knew that I wanted a special Mommy with a baby in the NICU to be surprised with flowers from me, anonymously, to put a smile on her face. To help her to know that as scary as life is with a preemie baby behind those closed doors of that secret society of the NICU, that there is another Mommy out there, who has been thru, and in that secret society not once, but twice, for a total of 7.5 months combined, pulling for her. And then my mind went even further, that since I had 2 babies in the NICU, why not send flowers to, 2, deserving Mommy's in honor of my 2 babies, that once fought for their life at that very place. This Wrap Day 2, pay it forward felt really, REALLY special! I hope that I helped not one, but TWO new Mommy's, to find a smile today ;-)

    I got a message about 1pm this afternoon, that 2 very special Mom's had been handed flowers from me, anonymously, but on this special day, they are honored. One Mom was hand picked by my nurse family member. The other Mommy at my request, was a mommy who just delivered her baby today. My heart is just overflowing with love right now. That I was able to hopefully touch the heart of someone that I don't know and that doesn't know me, it is the thought that someone out there that is thinking of them during this time in their life that truly matters. Thank you It Works! Global for allowing, inspiring and motivating me to Give Back, and to try and touch the lives of others when they really need it most. And to my family member that helped me carry out this way of giving today, thank YOU honey, you know who you are ;-)
    In life there are far too many times that people get caught up in their own life that they don't take the time to sit back and realize truly, how great life is. WE have the option to control our own destiny, if we don't like the path our life is on, WE can change that! Now I know that a lot of times that isn't easy, and frankly it's quite scary. But living life with Regret, of knowing you need to make a change but don't know how to do it, or what the 'other side' of that change will look like is scary too. But if you don't take a chance, than that regret could harm you even further.
    So I have made the decision and I have made a really positive change in my life. I feel like a brand new person and the feeling is pretty darn incredible. I am now able to help in more ways than I ever have and it feels really, REALLY good! We have had lots of amazing people help us in our life in lots of ways, so to be able to help others now in ways that I've been dreaming of for a long time, that feeling makes my heart just about over flow with joy. I am really excited that I have 8 more wraps to use and to pay it forward with! You bet I will be updating you soon, on how that will be done!

    Enjoy today, take a deep breath and take a few minutes to thank the good lord above for this day. Remember that know one is guaranteed a tomorrow friends. And for all of you special ladies out there Happy Mother's Day. I hope you felt the love today. And if you didn't feel appreciated today because of some circumstance, here is me saying to you, I appreciate you!! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

    Tuesday, May 6, 2014

    May is MY month.... PUSH!

    I am pushing HARD this month, harder than even before! I have a very strict regimen I am following and have been following but this month I will do a few extras:
     Here is my regimen
    Now for this last month I am wrapping twice a week! Yep Sunday's and Thursday's are my new wrap days and let me tell you, this is going to give me an even bigger boost and I am SO excited and SO ready!!! I am even thinking I am going to wrap a new area on my body! Stay tuned for updates!!!

    How are you all feeling?! Are you following along closely, or have you fallen off the path a bit? If you are falling along closely I encourage you to step it up a little bit more this month too! Get your body boosted even more after all, SUMMER is literally weeks away! EEEKKKK, here in Iowa we have waited SO long for this! I AM Ready!!!

    If you have fallen off a bit, that's ok, it's easy to jump back on! Start with some favorite healthy eats, and follow my regimen above and maybe even try wrapping more than once a week! You will be back on track and feeling fan-ta-bu-lous in NO time!!! I WANT YOU FEELING GOOD! YOU GOT THIS! Keep on keeping on, find that fuel to keep you burning thru this, You can DO IT!!!

    I thought I'd share a few of my most favorite ProFit recipes! If you're not familiar with Profit, it is the It Works! Protein powder that can be added to SO many things! Shakes, pancakes, brownies and more! So here is a little bit about what ProFit actually is:

    And there are two awesome flavors, Vanilla and Chocolate Profit!!! Who can think of a better way to start their day or boost their day than with something Chocolate or Vanilla AND that is healthy for you?! Seriously! 14 Grams of Protein ready for you!!! Breakfast, lunch, dinner, meal replacements, snack, help satisfy a craving for sweets etc. I LOVE Profit and it works wonderfully into this 90 day challenge for me! I encourage you to try it too!

    Here are some of my most favorite recipes, for Brownies, Pancakes, Smoothies!!!! Yum-o, Delish, Slurp Slurp, I can taste my most favorite smoothie now!!!

    Try out these recipes! I know you will love Profit! It is not chalky, it tastes good, it is SO versatile and has so many incredible benefits!!!
    I hope you are all doing well and LOVING this 90 Day Challenge as much as I am!!!! I am SO proud of you for making the commitment and staying on track! And if you've fallen off track a bit, that's ok, now is a great time to hop back on!!!!
    And if you aren't on this Challenge with us but are curious, message me, and start today! Get Started by Clicking Here!!!  Order up whatever products you are needing and get ready to give your body the awesome boost it may be missing! This is the perfect time to get started! I am feeling GOOD, and I hope you all are too!!!
    ~Go Well friends, enjoy your new and improved healthy self! YOU DESERVE THIS!!

    Wednesday, April 16, 2014

    Grilling & Healthy Eats!

    My favorite time of year is here, Grilling Season! Actually I grill all year long, even when its way below zero because I love grilled food so much! One of my favorites to grill is 'Hobo' dinners! Just a little hamburger or chicken in foil with veggies! Yum! And instead of butter in there I use olive oil for the healthy fat. I always take fat fighters after dinner, even on grilling nights, but these dinners are easy to make, quick and so delicious with those All Natural savory flavors.
    Another one I love to do on the grill in foil is Salmon, Yum-O! I spray a little cooking spray on foil, put in some Salmon skin side down with a sliver of fresh lemon, a sprig of dill and sprinkle the top with a tiny bit of sea salt and olive oil. Absolutely delicious Salmon ready to eat!
    For dinner last night it was Squash and Zucchini, with a little olive oil roasted in the oven. I didn't even think about it when I cooked it but after I was eating I was thinking, oh my word, I would have never done this 6 months ago! I was so happy, eating healthy really is a new way of life and it is fun and once you get going, its kindof even addicting, HA! It was a delicious dinner and I really was full after and didn't even eat the last 5 pieces. Amazing!! You can also do these veggies on the grill in foil or with a grill basket!

    So if you're on this 90 day challenge with us and struggling with meal choices, I encourage you to bust out the grill! Those savory juices really are yummy from whatever you cook plus its less mess, more flavorful food AND so good for you!!

    And there is one more part of this Challenge that I am going to start! I am feeling SO good right now about the way that this Challenge is going for me I am going to add something on, 12 wraps / 12 weeks. One wrap a week for 12 weeks! This is making sure that on Wednesday's for me, or whatever Day your designated wrapping day is for you, making sure you wrap once a week! I am SO on board with this, and I think you would love it too! I just love the wraps, they really do Tighten, Tone and Firm. Today I was officially down 2 pants sizes. And the pants I was worried I would have to suck in and not breathe to button them ;-) but nope! They felt great! With wrapping I am hoping to go down even another size or to! Give it a try! Order up those wraps if you need to and wrap away! 12/12, I'm in!!  Start Wrapping! Click Here!
    I hope this week is finding you in a good place! As always reach out with any questions/comment and of course those before/after pictures!
     I LOVE when people share their results! So amazing!!!
    ~Go Well and Happy Grilling!!

    Sunday, April 13, 2014

    Results are SO Rewarding!!!

    How is everyone doing out there!!!!? I have had some amazing results come in over the past few days, including a surprise of my own! So I just HAD to share!!!
    First, here is a good friend of mine who started with only Hair Skin Nails, and then branched out to a few other products including the Wraps! Check out these results!!!! These ladies are THRILLED and they should be! They look Amazing!!! These Results are really, Life Changing!
     And check out these Amazing Results too, this friend used just a few more added Products!!!! And this lady is a Farmers Wife! I know how well those Farmers eat, delicious meals daily! But they also work really, really, hard! EEEEKKK, I LOVE this! SO many lives are changing, people are feeling really good and I just could not be happier right now!
    So I went to the doctor on Friday for a checkup and I have said before I 'HATE' the scale. I just feel that I always loose inches first, so why in the world would I weigh myself! I am down almost 2 pants sizes so I knew the scale had to have gone down a bit. But I still avoid the scale, until I went to the doctor that is! You can't avoid the scale there! Well I slowly peeked at the number and I was thrilled! The last time I weighed myself was the beginning of March at my work, yea we have a couple of scales there, I work with some fun, crazy people. But the scale said I was down 14 pounds since March! And I am SO happy!
    All I am doing different, is most days watching what I eat, but some days I am indulging and having cheat days, with fat fighters on hand, I am chasing 2 little kiddo's so not exercising everyday, like I would like and will be doing soon, and I am drinking a lot of water. I am SO darn excited to jump on the scale next month!!! And that is totally not me, well, wasn't me before It Works!

    Lastly for tonight I wanted to share another of my most favorite Smoothie Recipes for you ProFit users. This to me is just delicious and absolutely perfect for this time of the year! VERY refreshing and full of lots of healthy goodness!!!
    ~Go Well everyone! {Week 3} Coming up soon!!!! You've got this!!!! And always, reach out to me with any questions :-)

    Wednesday, April 2, 2014

    Wednesday Wrap Day...

    90 Day Challenge {Week 1; Day 2}
    Hi everyone! I hope you've had a great Wednesday and most of all a great 2nd day on your way to a new you! For me, today is Wrap Wednesday! So I thought I'd share a few tips on how I believe I get my best wrap results, and just a few other key things to remember when wrapping!
    *My most favorite Wrap Tip because it is KEY......BEFORE/AFTER Picture!
    I know its kinda hard to take a picture of yourself if you're alone, BUT, try and find a way. In the mirror, use the timer on your phone/camera, the reflection in your patio door, just find a way. I suggest doing a Before Pic, An After Pic, and then a Post 72 hour Pic. And put all 3 of them side by side!

    **DRINK WATER! Water consumption is oober important! And remember the Ultimate Body Applicator is NOT water loss! In fact the more water your drink, while wrapping and after, will help your results. It will help to release those toxins from those fat cells so your body can release them! The recommended water consumption is half off your body weight, in ounces, of water.

    ***Do not exercise while wrapping or immediately after! The best time for exercising if you wish, is before wrapping.

    ****It is best if you can avoid meals during wrapping. I do mine at night so this for me, isn't an issue. In fact I prefer to sleep with my wrap on :-) But timing is totally up to you! Plenty of people put their wrap on after they shower in the morning and then go about their day and take it off 45 minutes later. You choose which is best for you!

    *****Measurements also are important! For myself in the beginning I preferred side by side pictures, but again, do that works best for you!

    ******Remember a treatment is considered 4 wraps. So consistency is key. If you want to wrap your tummy, I suggest doing all 4 wraps on your tummy at the appropriate time intervals before moving onto another body part.

    *******And again, I'm going to talk about the importance of being Regular with your bm's. I know, poop again, but this is really important for overall health. So if you aren't going at least one time per day, Greens would be a great add on and/or the product Regular.

    ********ENJOY YOUR WRAP! These wraps are absolutely amazing! It Works! could not have blessed us with a better product that nobody else has, and you're going to absolutely LOVE the results!!!! Enjoy your Ultimate Body Applicator Experience and if you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to let me know!
    {Day 2! I am proud of you for making this change in your life!!! You'll be so glad you did!} And if you're not on this challenge with us yet, there is still plenty of time! Today is a great day to start!

    ~Go Well! Wrapping favorite day!

    Tuesday, April 1, 2014

    90 Day Challenge Welcome!!!

    Welcome to our first ever 90 Day Challenge! If you are here, you have taken the FIRST step to a healthier YOU! Congratulations, that is a big first step, I know it was for us!

    Over the next 90 days I will post here a couple times each week! Tips, Recipes, Encouragement and if you'd like to share, Results! If you haven't joined us yet but are considering, here is a brief guide depending on what you are looking for. You can always customize any plan to your body and lifestyle!

    Let's Get Started!

    Each of you are doing this for a different reason. Some to loose extra weight, some to tighten, tone and firm, some are looking for more energy or less pain in certain areas and some, all of the above! You are all taking different Products, some of you are taking the same! I am going to list my regimen here and if you are taking these products as well, here is what has worked well for others and what / how I want to follow.
    The products I am taking are:
    Fat Fighters
    Its Vital Core Nutrition
    Greens Chews
    Ultimate Body Applicator* weekly

    Here is how I will be taking them and this will be my regimen. I encourage a similar regimen for you if you are using these products :

    Here is the reason I have chosen those products:
    Greens-energy, focus, my morning boost, to continually help alkaline my body and release toxins
    Thermofit- Metabolism Booster, I desperately need this and won't go a day without
    Profit-Weekly, occasional meal replacement, breakfast since I'm horrible at eating that meal
    Fat Fighters-since we tend to eat later at night it will help absorb some calories before I go to bed
    Confianza-Weekly, as I feel stress coming on, or during a busier than usual day
    Its Vital Core Nutrition-this is my daily vitamin to ensure my body lacks nothing
    Greens Chews-if I feel the need for something sweet or salty, these act as my snack
    Ultimate Body Applicator-Tighten Tone and Firm my trouble areas

    Week 1; Day 1
    I encourage you to either weigh yourself today OR take some measurements. I do not weigh because I always loose inches first so I will be measuring today.

    I encourage LOTS of water consumption! You know your body helps get rid of a craving after 5 days of not having it. Ex. if you are trying to cut out soda, coffee, caffeine in general, the first 5 days will be the hardest. So, during this time water, water, water. And after that 5 days your body will begin to crave water, which is healthy for you, and not the caffeine. YOU CAN DO THIS! Of course everything is ok in moderation, myself, I will continue to keep out caffeine.

    I will be wrapping on Wednesdays. I call it Wrapping Wednesdays! As a reminder when wrapping, water consumption is best during wrapping and up to 72 hours after. Crucial! Also, if you are not a regular person with having a bowel movement, I know I'm really talking about poop!....but if you do not go at least once per day your wrap results could be not optimal. My suggestion, make sure your taking your Greens and also maybe consider looking at our It Works! Product called 'Regular'. Having regular bowel movements are important and key to the wrap results. Also, focus on one area at a time! This is important. If you want to have a tighter more tone tummy, focus on that until you get close to the results you want. Remember if you have stretch marks it will work on those FIRST, before it works on tightening and toning your skin.

    You have challenged yourself to do this and YOU CAN! We are doing this together and I am just thrilled you are on board! So today, take a before picture and take a good look, because in 90 days you will be a new YOU!
    Congratulations for your new beginning! I am thrilled to have you on this journey with me! We'll chat again in a few days! As always if you have questions any time, e-mail me at or call me 721-4437! I'm here to cheer you on!!!
    ~Go Well Friends. I am so excited you're on this journey for yourself!!!