Aids in building lean muscle mass
Enhances exercise endurance
Helps improve sleep quality and memory
New enhanced formula now includes natural polyphenols that help improve blood supply to the muscles and help to reduce the harmful effects of free radicals for better post-workout recovery.*
I am so excited to start taking this Vitamin, beginning today! Stay tuned for an update on how much better I feel! (hard to imagine feeling even better, I feel great NOW)!
This time of the year is a time when family lives start to get a little bit more crazy, in my house at least! Running kids, cramming in appointments, daylight lasts longer providing more time for household chores, and then at times, that means less time to fix a healthy meal. We, in our home, are really good about laying something out the night before, with thoughts as to what will be cooked the next night! We absolutely love the grill this time of the year, its quick and convenient with less mess! Also the crock pot also provides a quick fix with just a few steps taken in the morning to prep. Those of you on the 90 Day Challenge with us and even if you're not, these are still great reminders when life seem to get a little cRaZY!!! And trust me, it happens to ALL of us!! SO, remember that just because life can be a little crazy this time of the year or in the summertime in general with calendar's filling up fast, a few minutes prep the night before or morning of, will allow for more time doing what you love in the evenings and STILL having a healthy meal!
Wrap, Wrap, Wrap it up! I am now into my Wrap #3 and 4 of Paying It Forward! Oh my gosh, this has been the most rewarding thing I have done in a long time! It sure feels REALLY awesome to be able to do this! Why I haven't thought of something to this magnitude before, who knows, but I am so glad to have started and I am not stopping! So stay tuned, to see what I have done and what I have in store for my wrap days ahead :-) I'm SO excited!!!
I'm also really excited because this is 10 consecutive wraps that I am doing and boy am I ever seeing the results! LOVE it! SO, 5 weeks of wrapping 2 times a week, I am feeling good, I can't wait to see how much better my results will be after all 10 wraps even, eeekkk!!!! If you haven't tried a wrap, or if you're on this challenge with us but aren't wrapping regularly, I encourage you to give it a try! There sure is nothing like Tightening, Toning and Firming your skin right up! And feeling the results continue to show over the next 3 days sure is an awesome feeling as well!
AND, this includes facial wraps also! I just saw these results a few days ago from a friends mom and WOW, seriously WOW! This is after a 45 minute facial applicator! Crazy awesome results! And what other company provides you the option to have these results, from a Facial in the comfort of your own home?! Ah, I just love it!! What an amazingly awesome transformation in just 45 minutes! If you haven't tried a Facial Applicatior yet, oh my goodness, I encourage you to give it a try! You'll love the feeling :-) Try a Facial Applicator, Click Here!!
These results are life changing for SO many people! No matter what your reason is for putting a wrap on, and taking that first step to Tighten, Tone and Firm your skin, this is for YOU!
You have decided to make a change for YOU! Keep that close to your heart! Post your goal whatever that may be, somewhere where you will see it daily! Keep that goal within an eye glance so even on those hard days, you see that goal and REMEMBER why it is your working so hard!
And we are in this together! We are here for each other! We all have a WHY! One of my most favorite things about It Works! Global are the PEOPLE! Ah, friends, the people, the motivation to keep going, the inspiration to try something new....something that It Works!......something that will literally be Life Changing! You're here for a reason, remember! If you need a little motivation or inspiration today, reach out, we have a whole HUGE support system to help you in any way!
And keep on, keepin' on! Continue to do this for you! You my friend are on your way to making over your life! Your future self will thank you, I know that for sure!
*You can always reach out to me if you need a boost or if you have any questions as well! Go Well friends, and always remember to make Today, YOUR Day!!